Are you looking to create engaging visual content to pair with your blog posts or presentations but struggling with the time-consuming task of figuring out what illustrations to use? Look no further than mem's Smart Write and Edit feature.

In this post, we'll walk you through how to use mem's Smart Write and Edit feature to create different types of visual content quickly and easily. We'll share some examples of how you can use the feature to create infographics, comic strips, and slides, and explain how to pair it with AI image generation tools to save even more time.

Creating an Infographic from Book Notes

In this example, we'll show you how to use mem's Smart Write and Edit feature to create an infographic based on a book. 

  • First, open up your book notes in mem and ask Smart Write and Edit to create captions and illustrations for an infographic based on this book. 
  • Smart Write and Edit will generate captions for you, but you'll need to request illustrations for each caption.

Within just 30 seconds, you'll have the foundation for an infographic based on the book you're working with. From here, you can hand this off to a designer or use an AI image generation tool that will take all of your generated illustrations and create an infographic for you.

Creating Slides from Course Outlines

Next, let's take a look at how to use mem's Smart Write and Edit feature to generate captions for slides based on course outlines. Begin by highlighting all the text in a module and requesting Smart Write and Edit to generate captions for five slides based on this text.

  • Instead of having to think about the text for each slide,  Smart Write and edit can provide you titles for each slide. 
  •  Additionally it can give you captions for each slide which you can use while recording modules of an online course. 

You can also use it  to recomend color schemes and other design elements to make your slides more visually engaging. This is especially useful if you're pressed for time but still want to create slides that are engaging and professional-looking.

Creating a Comic Strip from a Podcast Transcript

Lastly, let's take a look at how to use mem's Smart Write and Edit feature to create a comic strip based on a podcast transcript. This is a unique and engaging way to share the content of a podcast in a fun and accessible format.

To get started, simply copy the transcript into mem and request Smart Write and Edit to generate captions and illustrations for a comic strip. 

Your mileage may vary with this one depending on the content of the transcript. It may take one or two iterations to get it right. But it’s still a thousand times faster than trying to come up with the illustration ideas yourself. 

After you receive the captions and illustrations recommendations, you can use an AI image generation tool like Dall-E to generate images and then use Canva to lay out your comic strip.

Using AI Image Generation Tools

While mem's Smart Write and Edit feature can save you a lot of time by generating captions and even some illustrations for you, you can take it a step further by pairing it with AI image generation tools. These tools will take your generated illustrations and create even more unique and professional-looking images that will save you even more time.

One such tool is Dall-E, which generates images based on text prompts. For example, if you've requested Smart Write and Edit to generate captions for an infographic, you can then copy and paste these captions into Dall-E and it will generate the images for you.


In conclusion, mem's Smart Write and Edit feature is an incredibly useful tool for creating visual content like infographics, comic strips, and slides. It saves you time by generating captions and illustrations for you and even suggests color schemes and other design elements.

  • When paired with AI image generation tools like Dall-E, you can create even more unique professional-looking images in a fraction of the time it would take to create them manually.
  • Using these tools together, you can easily create engaging and informative visual content that will capture the attention of your audience and help you communicate your message effectively.

Overall, if you're looking for a way to create engaging visual content quickly and easily, mem's Smart Write and Edit feature is definitely worth checking out. Whether you're a blogger, marketer, or educator, this tool can help you create compelling graphics and presentations that will stand out from the crowd and make an impact on your audience. So why wait? Give it a try today and see how it can transform the way you work!