The benefits of using an editorial calendar in Mem are numerous. By following the steps outlined in this post, 

  • You'll be able to stay organized and on track with your content production. 
  • You'll never have a shortage of ideas, and you'll be able to quickly and easily identify which posts are in progress, ready for proofreading, or ready to publish. 
  • This will help you stay consistent with your content production and avoid wasting time on tedious and repetitive tasks.
One of the most important things to remember when creating an editorial calendar in Mem is to avoid getting overwhelmed. By following the four steps outlined in this post, you'll be able to create a system that works for you. Remember to capture ideas as they occur to you, tag them appropriately, and use the optional fourth step to keep your content organized. By doing this, you'll be able to stay on track with your content production and avoid burnout.

Step 1: Creating a Mem for Your Blog or Newsletter

The key to capturing ideas is to do so as they occur to you. This way, you don't lose any potentially valuable ideas. There are a few different ways you can capture ideas in Mem: by adding bi-directional links to your notes, using Mem spotlight, or creating a new Mem altogether. Once you've captured your idea, make sure to tag it appropriately so you can easily find it later.

Step 2: Capturing Ideas

The key to capturing ideas is to do so as they occur to you. This way, you don't lose any potentially valuable ideas. There are a few different ways you can capture ideas in Mem: by adding bi-directional links to your notes, using Mem spotlight, or creating a new Mem altogether. Once you've captured your idea, make sure to tag it appropriately so you can easily find it later.

The key to capturing ideas is to do so as they occur to you. This way, you don't lose any potentially valuable ideas. There are a few different ways you can capture ideas in Mem: by adding bi-directional links to your notes, using Mem spotlight, or creating a new Mem altogether. Once you've captured your idea, make sure to tag it appropriately so you can easily find it later.

Step 3: Tagging Ideas by Context and Status

One of the most important aspects of managing an editorial calendar in Mem is tagging your ideas appropriately. By using the two-tag rule (one overarching context tag and one status tag), you'll be able to quickly and easily identify the status of each post. For example, you might use tags such as "blog," "newsletter," or "podcast" as your context tags, and "idea," "in progress," "revisions," "ready for proofread," or "publish" as your status tags. By using these tags consistently, you'll be able to quickly identify which posts are in progress, ready for proofreading, or ready to publish.

One of the most important aspects of managing an editorial calendar in Mem is tagging your ideas appropriately. By using the two-tag rule (one overarching context tag and one status tag), you'll be able to quickly and easily identify the status of each post. 

For example, you might use tags such as "blog," "newsletter," or "podcast" as your context tags, and "idea," "in progress," "revisions," "ready for proofread," or "publish" as your status tags. By using these tags consistently, you'll be able to quickly identify which posts are in progress, ready for proofreading, or ready to publish.
Step 4 is an optional step, but it can be helpful for keeping your editorial calendar organized. By adding links to your Mems for your blog or newsletter, you'll be able to quickly access the content you're working on. This step is especially helpful if you're close to finishing a post and want to make sure it's on your radar for proofreading or publishing.

Conclusion: Benefits of Using an Editorial Calendar in Mem

By using an editorial calendar in Mem, you'll be able to stay organized and on track with your content production. You'll never have a shortage of ideas, and you'll be able to quickly and easily identify which posts are in progress, ready for proofreading, or ready to publish. This will help you stay consistent with your content production and avoid wasting time on tedious and repetitive tasks.

Watch the video for step-by-step explanation of all the steps above.