Extracting Information with Smart Write and Edit
First, let's look at extracting information from notes. Often when we have book notes or podcast transcripts, we don't want the entire thing; we just want certain parts or quotes. That's where Smart Write and Edit comes in.
Podcast Transcripts
With Smart Write and Edit, you can extract quotes from a podcast transcript in seconds. All you need to do is highlight the title of the note and extract it, and make sure the thing is less than a thousand words. You can also create a separate Mem and use specific commands to extract quotes from the interview.
Notes on Books, Topics,
Smart Write and Edit, you can simply type in "quotes from [book title]" and it will generate the quotes for you. You can even get more specific and ask it to give you quotes about a specific topic. For example, if you wanted quotes from the book Dopamine Nation about dopamine, you can type in "quotes about dopamine" and it will bring you the 10 different quotes from the book.
Information from External Sources
Smart Write and Edit can also generate biographies, lists of Amazon links and much more.
You can also use Smart Write and Edit to generate bios, lists of Amazon links and much more. For example, you can type the name of the person, highlight it and ask Smart Write and Edit to generate a bio. You can also write down a list of books and ask Smart Write and Edit to add Amazon links to Mem for those books.
You can also use Smart Write and Edit to capture notes, bolded passages, highlighted sections, and generate summaries. This feature automates the summarizing process You can distill your notes down to their essence and get the gist of a source at a glance. Just ask Mem to generate a summary from your notes.
Keep in mind, the more that you put into Mem, the more accurate the results become. And the more it actually starts to sound like you. I have probably close to 10,000 notes in here from all the various book notes that I've taken. So it ends up being really valuable.
Content Creation
Content creation is another use for Smart Write and Edit. You can easily turn any piece of content into a twitter thread, instagram caption or blog post.
Twitter threads
You can use specific commands to quickly generate a thread from a blog post or podcast transcript and use it to promote your content on social media. Just highlight the title or section of the note you want to use and ask Smart Write and Edit to create a twitter thread.
Blog Posts
Mem's SmartWrite can also turn any podcast transcript into a blog post. To do this, you can use the specific commands to highlight the title and sections of the note you want to use, and then ask SmartWrite to create a blog post from the transcript. This is a great way to quickly generate blog posts from podcast transcripts. It also save you a ton of time.
Video Tutorial Descriptions
You can also use Smart Write and Edit to generate descriptions for video tutorials. Highlight the title and sections of the note you want to use, and then ask it to create a description. This is a great way to quickly generate descriptions for your videos and save you a ton of time.
Formatting and Proofreading Content
Finally, SmartWrite can be used for proofreading and formatting. SmartWrite can
- Replace or remove text in a note
- Convert paragraphs to bullets and vice versa
- Add line breaks between paragraphs
- Convert a header in a blog to titlecase
You can use SmartWrite to fix typos, format text, and make sure your content is error-free. Just highlight a piece of text and type the command "fix typos."
I used Smart Write and Edit to generate this article from transcript of my tutorial, the description for this video and the twitter thread to promote it on social media.
SmartWrite is a revolutionary feature that can transform your note taking and knowledge management. It eliminates all the tedious aspects of managing knowledge, saves you a ton of time, and allows you to focus on generating knowledge.
But the most brilliant thing about SmartWrite is that it uses YOUR notes to do all this.