Integrating templates into your Mem Chat requests is a potent tool that optimizes your workflow and assures uniformity in your procedures. Templates prove to be particularly beneficial when the content is subject to change, but the process remains constant. Consider the instance of publishing a blog post, where there are repetitive tasks such as creating an outline and completing a checklist. By applying templates to your Mem Chat requests, you can avert the need for reinventing the wheel and reduce errors in the process.

Creating Templates: Three Methods

There are three methods for creating templates in Mem.
  • Transforming a Regular Mem into a Template: This method involves converting an existing mem into a template. You can format this template with headers, subheaders, and bullet points to match your specific requirements. This method is particularly useful when you have a mem that you frequently refer to or use as a basis for other tasks. By transforming it into a template, you can easily replicate its structure and content, saving you time and effort.
  • Requesting Mem chat to Create a Template: This method entails asking Memchat to create a template for you. Simply provide the necessary information, such as the need for a meeting notes template for client meetings, and Memchat will generate the template accordingly. This method is ideal for those who want a more personalized template, tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Using Flows to Create a Template: The final method involves using Flows to create a template. You can copy and paste the template generated by Mem chat into Flows, ensuring the formatting remains intact. This method is perfect for those who prefer a more visual approach to template creation, as Flows allows you to see the structure of your template in a clear, organized manner.

Scheduled Mems: Templates on Time

Templates can also function as scheduled mems, appearing in your inbox at predetermined times. This feature is beneficial for recurring meetings or tasks. By leveraging templates, you can conserve time and make your workflows more efficient. Imagine having a meeting agenda template pop up in your inbox right before your weekly team meeting, or a project checklist template appear at the start of each new project. This not only ensures consistency in your tasks but also helps you stay on top of your schedule.

Applying Templates to Mem Chat Requests: Streamlining Your Workflow

In addition to creating templates, you can apply these templates to your Mem Chat requests, acting as a powerful tool to streamline your workflow. You can make requests to Mem chat to apply templates to specific tasks, transforming the way you approach your work.

Planning Events

For instance, let's say you're planning a birthday party. Instead of starting from scratch, you can ask Mem chat to apply your 'Event Planning' template to your request. Mem chat will generate a comprehensive project plan, including success criteria, a timeline, and a list of necessary resources. This not only saves you time but also ensures you don't miss any crucial details.

New Product Launches

Similarly, if you're working on a new product or course, you can use Mem chat to apply a 'Sales Page' or 'Course Module' template to your request. Mem chat will help you draft compelling copy, outline key selling points, and structure your content effectively. This can significantly speed up your content creation process and improve the quality of your output.

Mental Models 

But the power of applying templates to Mem chat requests extends beyond project planning and content creation. You can also use them to analyze and improve your writing. For example, you can apply a 'Sticky Headlines' template to your request to analyze the effectiveness of your headlines. Mem chat will evaluate your headlines based on the principles from the book 'Made to Stick', providing you with actionable feedback to make your headlines more engaging and memorable.

In essence, applying templates to Mem chat requests is not just about efficiency; it's about effectiveness. They help you avoid errors, ensure consistency, and free up your time to focus on what truly matters. By integrating templates into your Mem chat requests, you can optimize your workflow, enhance your productivity, and elevate the quality of your work.


In conclusion, applying templates to Mem chat requests is a powerful tool for workflow optimization. They offer a way to standardize processes, reduce errors, and save time. Whether you're planning an event, developing a product, or improving your writing, applying templates to your Mem chat requests can streamline your tasks and enhance your productivity. By integrating templates into your Mem chat requests, you can truly create at the speed of thought, focusing on what matters most. So, start exploring the world of applying templates to Mem chat requests today, and experience the difference they can make in your workflow.