As a non-fiction author, you're probably familiar with the challenge of referencing various forms of information. Whether it's notes from a book, a podcast transcript, or your own thoughts, managing all these sources can be a daunting task. If these notes are stored in different tools or even in separate documents within the same tool, finding the information you need can become a tedious process of scrolling through long documents and opening multiple browser tabs. 

The Solution: Mem's Core Features

Mem offers a solution to this problem, drastically streamlining your writing process. It leverages a combination of core features, including bi-directional links, collections, and tags. These features allow you to quickly gather, organize, and access the information you need for your writing project. 
Let's say you're preparing to write a blog post. Your first step is to add references to the relevant information using bi-directional links. For instance, if you want to reference an interview you conducted with an author or the notes from a book you've read, you can create a bi-directional link to that information right within your document. Bi-directional links in Mem serve as a connection between two pieces of information, allowing you to navigate between them seamlessly. You can either click on the link to view the note in its entirety, or you can bring the content directly into your current note. This drastically simplifies the process of referencing information, eliminating the need to switch between multiple tabs or documents.

Step 2: Creating Collections

Mem's collections feature takes this process of organization a step further. A collection serves as a tag that groups related notes together, creating a central hub for all the information you need for your writing project.

To create a collection, you can simply assign a name to it that corresponds to your blog post or article. Once you've created the collection, you can start adding relevant notes to it. Mem will also suggest notes that could be suitable for your collection based on its title. This allows you to quickly access all the notes you might need for your article in one place, eliminating the need for scrolling through various documents or opening multiple tabs.

The beauty of using collections is that it not only makes your writing process more organized but also more efficient. With all your notes neatly grouped in one collection, referencing the information you need becomes a breeze. This drastically streamlines your writing process, allowing you to focus more on the writing itself rather than the logistics of managing your notes.

Step 3: Organizing Your Notes

Once you've added all the necessary notes to your collection, the next step is to organize them. One of the unique features of Mem is that it facilitates non-linear writing. This means that you don't have to follow a strict sequence or structure while writing your notes. Instead, you can jot down any idea as it comes to you, irrespective of its order in the final piece.

This non-linear approach is particularly beneficial when you're brainstorming for your article. You might have a clear idea of what you want to write about for one section, but not for the others. 

With Mem, you don't need to wait until you've figured out the subsequent sections. You can start writing about the idea at hand and then move on to the others as they come to you. This way, each note you write is like a puzzle piece, and you can put these pieces together in an order that makes sense later on, effectively eliminating writer's block and making the writing process more fluid and flexible.

Step 4: Utilizing Smart Write and Edit to Outline Your Article

The final step is to use Mem's Smart Write and Edit features to outline your article. Smart Write can help you create an initial outline for your article. For example, you could use the prompt: "Create an outline for an article about [topic] based on [collection]". This gives you a roadmap to follow and helps you stay focused on your main points.

Additionally, you can use Mem's Smart Write feature to generate an "Archipelago of Ideas". By using a Mem Chat prompt like "Create an archipelago of ideas from [collection title] for my article on [topic]", you would be able to generate a list of ideas related to your article.

These ideas can be stored in a separate mem titled "Archipelago of Ideas for [Article Title]". This way, you can see all your ideas on the sidebar as you're writing, without having to scroll through a long mem. Furthermore, you can use Smart Write to distribute quotes from your notes under the appropriate headers in your outline, thus integrating your references seamlessly into your article.


Mem provides a holistic solution for non-fiction authors, drastically streamlining the writing process. By leveraging its core features such as bi-directional links, collections, tags, and Smart Write, you can effectively organize and reference your notes, and even circumvent the traditional linear writing process
With these tools at your disposal, you can focus more on the actual writing and less on managing your notes. Writing becomes less of a logistical challenge and more of a creative endeavor, enhancing your productivity and making the process more enjoyable. Mem thus transforms your writing process, turning the daunting task of managing a myriad of notes into a seamless and efficient experience.