One of the biggest challenges of AI-generated content is  how to humanize AI-generated text. If you’ve created chatGPT content, you’ve probably noticed that it sounds great,  but not like something you wrote. Fortuntately there’s a way to turn ai-generated content into something that sounds a lot more like human-written content. 

With Mem’s amazing tool, Smart Write and Edit feature, you can transform AI-generated content into human-like content that echoes your unique writing style. This guide will navigate you through the thrilling journey of transforming your AI-Generated Text to sound less like an algorithm and make your content sound human. It's all about preserving your unique voice while harnessing the power of AI, enhancing the content quality and giving it a human touch.

The roadmap is simple: import and organize your writings, define your writing style, and then use this style in your Smart Write drafts. Each step is a piece of the puzzle, helping AI grasp your writing style and mimic it faithfully. So, let's embark on this exciting adventure, and see how you can blend your distinctive voice with AI-generated content to produce original content that truly reflects you.

Importing Your Writing

Unleash the power of your past human-generated writings to revolutionize your future content creation. The first step on this journey is to bring your previous works into Mem. It's simpler than you might think! If you've been sharing your insights through a blog, there are handy Chrome extensions that make it easy to download your posts in a markdown format. This format is a breeze to read and write in, and it smoothly converts to HTML.

Having a substantial amount of your human-written content is crucial for this process to work effectively. The larger the amount of original content you give the AI to work with that you’ve actaully written, the less it’s going to sound like like AI-generated content. 

Once your blog posts are downloaded, gather them in a designated folder. This could be a physical folder on your desktop or a virtual one in cloud spaces like Google Drive or Dropbox. Now, it's time to infuse Mem with your unique voice. Navigate to Mem's 'Imports' feature, find your stored markdown files, and kick off the import process. Your files will seamlessly integrate into Mem, maintaining their markdown format.

But wait, there's a tiny snag you should be aware of. Sometimes, the titles of your blog posts might not automatically come along during the import process. But don't worry, a quick manual touch-up of each imported blog post to add the titles will do the trick. While it might take a bit of elbow grease, it's a crucial step to ensure your blog posts are correctly titled and organized in Mem. This sets the stage for the next steps in this process, making them a walk in the park.

Organizing Your Writing

After importing your work, it's time for some smart organization. Bundle your writings into specific collections within Mem. You could group them by content type, theme, or even when they were created. This step is like arranging your books neatly on a shelf, making them easier to access and helping the AI to understand them better.

The Benefit of Collections

Think of it this way: the more books you have on your shelf, the more choices you have to read. Similarly, the more content you feed into the AI, the better it gets at mimicking your unique style. So, go ahead and fill your virtual shelf with all your writings. It's like teaching the AI to speak your language. And before you know it, you'll have an AI that doesn't just write, but writes like you.


Describing Your Writing Voice

Once your writings are neatly organized, it's time to let Mem Chat in on the secret of your unique writing style. Here's where you converse with Mem Chat, asking it to sketch a detailed portrait of your writing voice based on the imported content. As if it's reading your diary, Mem Chat dives deep into your writings, exploring your choice of words, the rhythm of your sentences, the tone you adopt, and your overall style.

Prompt: Based on the notes in [title of collection] describe my writing voice in as much detail a possible, inlcuded preferred phrases tone, etc. 

This exploration births a vivid description of your writing voice. It could reveal that you have a knack for engaging your readers with a conversational tone, that you're a fan of crisp, short sentences, or that you love weaving personal anecdotes into your narrative. This description becomes the AI's blueprint, guiding it on how to mirror your voice convincingly. With this blueprint in hand, Mem Chat is all set to generate content that doesn't just echo your voice, but also carries the unique imprint of your writing style.

Creating a Mem for Your Writing Voice

Once your writings are neatly organized, it's time to let Mem Chat in on the secret of your unique writing style. Here's where you converse with Mem Chat, asking it to sketch a detailed portrait of your writing voice based on the imported content. As if it's reading your diary, Mem Chat dives deep into your writings, exploring your choice of words, the rhythm of your sentences, and the tone of voice you adopt, along with your overall style.

This exploration births a vivid description of your writing voice. It could reveal that you have a knack for engaging your readers with a conversational tone, that you're a fan of crisp, short sentences, or that you love weaving personal anecdotes into your narrative. This description becomes the AI's blueprint, guiding it on how to mirror your voice convincingly. With this blueprint in hand, Mem Chat is all set to generate content that doesn't just echo your voice, but also carries the unique imprint of your writing style. 


Applying Your Writing Voice

The final step—applying your unique writing voice—is where the magic truly happens. It's time to see Smart Write in action. Whenever you're crafting new content, be it a blog post, an email, or even a video script, just get Smart Write on board. As you pen down your command, Smart Write will turn to your "My Writing Voice" Mem like a student to a teacher. It will soak up the detailed description of your writing style captured in that Mem and weave these unique characteristics into the new content.

But here's the best part: this is not a one-off event. It's a continuous process that infuses every piece of content you generate with Smart Write. This ensures that your unique writing voice shines through in all your work, giving it a personal touch that makes it distinctly yours. The result? A more personalized and genuine writing output sounds like you, and less like ai-generated content. With each use, Smart Write gets better at mimicking your style, leading to increasingly accurate and personalized content over time.

Through importing and organizing your writings, describing your writing voice, creating a Mem for your writing voice, and applying your writing voice to what you create, you can transform AI-generated content into human-like content. With the help of advanced algorithms and natural language processing, you can create a unique writing tool that mimics your voice and style.

  • This online tool serves as a content humanizer, transforming machine-generated content into human-written text.
  • It's a content detector that sifts through vast amounts of data to generate personalized and informative writing content.
  • It serves as a converter and paraphrasing tool that transforms content into human-like text, making it more relatable to your readers.

It's a powerful and efficient tool for content creators and human writers alike, assisting them to stand out in the sea of content on websites and search engines. By training Mem's AI to sound like you, you can create authentic content that resonates with your audience and carries your unique signature.