When it comes to using AI tools like Smart Write and Edit, it's important to learn how to craft effective prompts in order to get the best output. Companies are now hiring prompt engineers whose job it is to craft effective prompts. It's important to be clear and concise when crafting a prompt and to avoid typos. It may take some iteration to get the output that you want, but you'll become more efficient with practice.

Using Specific Commands

When crafting a prompt, you can use specific commands like "generate a one paragraph summary" or "generate a bulleted list of key takeaways". You can also use a bullet at the beginning of the prompt to indicate that you want a bulleted list. You can also use the command "write this for me" to generate a bulleted list.

Using specific commands is one of the most effective ways to craft a prompt that will give you the output you want. By using commands like "generate a one paragraph summary" or "generate a bulleted list of key takeaways", you are telling the AI tool exactly what you want it to do. This makes it much more likely that you will get the output you are looking for.

Highlighting Headers

Another way to craft effective prompts is to highlight a header and then use the command "10 takeaways". This will generate a bulleted list of key takeaways from the text below.

This technique is particularly useful when you are working with a longer text and want to quickly identify the most important points. By highlighting a header and using the command "10 takeaways", you can quickly generate a bulleted list of the most important points in the text.

Converting Notes into Paragraphs

Finally, you can also use the command "convert this list of notes into two paragraphs" to generate two paragraphs based on a list of notes. This is a great way to summarize a transcript or other text.

This technique is particularly useful when you are working with a transcript or other text that is not well-organized. By converting your notes into paragraphs, you can quickly create a summary that is easy to read and understand.

The Importance of Effective Prompts

Crafting effective prompts is crucial when it comes to using AI tools like Smart Write and Edit. The quality of the output you receive is directly related to the quality of the prompt you provide.

Effective prompts are clear and concise, and avoid typos. They should also be specific, using commands like "generate a one paragraph summary" or "generate a bulleted list of key takeaways". By using specific commands, you are telling the AI tool exactly what you want it to do, which makes it much more likely that you will get the output you are looking for.

The Role of Prompt Engineers

As the use of AI tools becomes more widespread, companies are hiring prompt engineers to craft effective prompts. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that the prompts are clear, concise, and specific, and that they result in high-quality output.

Prompt engineers are becoming increasingly important as the use of AI tools becomes more widespread. These professionals are responsible for crafting effective prompts that result in high-quality output. By hiring prompt engineers, companies can ensure that they are getting the most out of their AI tools.


Crafting effective prompts is crucial when it comes to using AI tools like Smart Write and Edit. By using specific commands, highlighting headers, and converting notes into paragraphs, you can get the most out of your AI tools and get better output.

As the use of AI tools becomes more widespread, companies are hiring prompt engineers to craft effective prompts. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that the prompts are clear, concise, and specific, and that they result in high-quality output.

By following these tips and techniques, you can become more efficient at crafting effective prompts and get the output you want from your AI tools. With practice, you can become a master at crafting effective prompts and get the most out of your AI tools.