Constant communication is not something that gets in the way of real work; it has instead become totally intertwined in how this work actually gets done-preventing easy efforts to reduce distractions through better habits or short-lived management stunts like email-free Fridays. -Cal Newport,  A world Without Email: Reimagining The Way We Structure Work in an Age of Information Overload

Why Use Mem as a Replacement for Email 

One of the primary reasons to use Mem as a replacement for email is to reduce the amount of context shifting you experience throughout the day. Email is one of the worst culprits for context shifting, as it often requires you to stop what you're doing to check for new messages, respond to them, and then return to your original task. This constant back-and-forth can be incredibly disruptive to your workflow, and can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand.

By using Mem as a replacement for email, you can streamline your workflow and reduce the amount of time you spend managing your inbox. Mem is designed to help you stay focused on your work, rather than constantly being distracted by incoming messages. By consolidating all of your communications into one platform, you can avoid the need to switch between different applications and tools throughout the day. This will allow you to work more efficiently and productively, and ultimately reduce the amount of stress and frustration you experience as a result of context shifting.

Method 1: Forwarding Emails to Mem 

One of the simplest ways to use Mem as a replacement for email is to forward emails to Mem. By doing this, you can keep important messages in one centralized location, rather than having to search through your inbox to find them. To set up email forwarding, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Flows tab in Mem.
2. Add your Gmail or Google Apps account.

Once you've done this, any email you forward to "[email protected]" will automatically be added to your Mem inbox. This method is particularly useful for emails you want to remember but don't need to respond to, such as newsletters or important announcements.

Method 2: Sharing Mem with Others 

Another way to use Mem as a replacement for email is to ask people to share mems with you instead of sending you emails. This is especially useful if you're already communicating with someone who uses Mem. By doing this, you can avoid the extra step of checking your email and instead communicate directly through Mem. This method is particularly helpful for customer service or support inquiries, as it allows you to respond more quickly and efficiently.

Method 3: Automating Email to Mem with Zapier 

The third and most complex way to use Mem as a replacement for email is to automate the process using Zapier. By doing this, you can automatically forward emails from specific senders to your Mem inbox. 

To set up this automation, follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a Zap that uses Gmail as the trigger app.
  2. Select "New Email Matching Search" as the trigger event.
  3. Input the search criteria (e.g. the domain name of the sender) and the email address you want to use.
  4. Add a formatting filter to convert the email body from HTML to markdown.
  5. Choose "Create Mem" as the action and select your Mem account.
  6. Configure the action by using the email subject line as the H1 tag and the email body as the content.

Once you've set up this automation, any email from the specified sender will automatically be added to your Mem inbox. This method is particularly useful for emails that require ongoing interaction with the sender, such as requests for information or feedback. You should only use this method for VIP contacts. 

Conclusion: Benefits of Using Mem as a Replacement for Email

By using Mem as a replacement for email, you can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend managing your inbox and context shifting throughout the day. Each of the three methods outlined in this article can help you streamline your workflow and improve your productivity. Whether you choose to forward emails to Mem, share mems with others, or automate the process with Zapier, you'll be able to communicate more efficiently and focus on the tasks that matter most.

There are a variety of ways you can use Mem as a replacement for email, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. By choosing the method that best suits your needs, you can streamline your workflow and reduce the amount of time you spend managing your inbox. Whether you're forwarding emails to Mem, sharing mems with others, or automating the process with Zapier, you'll be able to communicate more efficiently and focus on the tasks that matter most.