In the ever-evolving world of productivity tools, note-taking apps have become essential. Today, we are comparing with two other popular note-taking apps, Evernote and Roam Research. Our objective is to highlight the capabilities of each app, from capturing notes to organizing and utilizing them effectively.

Capturing Notes:, Evernote, and Roam Research


Evernote offers a multitude of options for capturing notes. From creating a new note with a standard word processor interface to integrating templates for specific tasks like project planning, it provides a versatile platform for note-taking. One of the unique features of Evernote is its ability to incorporate multimedia content such as images, videos, and audios directly into the notes, enhancing the note-taking experience.

Evernote also features a web extension, allowing users to save links or blocks of text from web pages directly into their notes. This feature is particularly useful for research or for capturing interesting content while browsing. Additionally, Evernote has a native Readwise extension for those who use Readwise to capture notes. This integration allows users to import their highlights from various sources, making it easier to consolidate and review information.

Roam Research

Roam Research, with its simple interface, also offers multiple ways to capture notes. Creating a new page or using quick capture features are common methods. The quick capture feature is especially useful for jotting down thoughts or ideas on the go, ensuring that no idea is lost. Roam Research also supports the integration of multimedia content, including images and videos, into notes, adding a richer context to the notes.

However, Roam's interface relies heavily on keyboard shortcuts, which can be faster once you get the hang of it. This might pose a learning curve for beginners, but once mastered, it can significantly speed up the note-taking process. Additionally, Roam's unique graph overview feature allows users to visually understand the connections between their notes, making it a powerful tool for building a knowledge base. provides a straightforward approach to note capturing. Like any other editor, it offers text formatting capabilities. This allows users to stylize their notes, making them easier to read and understand. Furthermore, supports the integration of multimedia content, offering a comprehensive note-taking experience.

Unique features of include the ability to text a note to through a saved contact. This feature is particularly useful for quickly capturing thoughts or information on the go. Additionally, has a native ability to forward notes to via email. This feature allows users to save important emails as notes, making it easier to reference them in the future. These capabilities make a convenient and efficient tool for note capturing.

Organization and Search Capabilities:, Evernote, and Roam Research

The major differences between, Roam Research, and Evernote lie in their organization structures. While Evernote uses a hierarchical structure, and Roam Research use a networked structure. leverages tags, mentions, bi-directional links, and collections for organization. Tags in are used to categorize and filter notes, enabling users to group related notes together for easy access. The mention feature (@) allows users to link to other notes, creating a network of interconnected notes that provides a holistic view of related information.

Furthermore, supports bi-directional links, which enable users to navigate between related notes effortlessly. This feature enhances the connectivity between notes, making it easier to draw insights from the interconnected information. Collections, on the other hand, are groups of related notes. They can be used to manage large sets of notes related to a specific project or topic, making them a powerful tool for knowledge management. Searching for a tag or mention brings up the relevant mem, making it easy to organize and retrieve information.


Evernote, on the other hand, uses notebooks and tags for organization. Notebooks in Evernote are like digital binders where related notes can be grouped together. You can create notebooks for different topics or projects, making it easier to manage your notes. Within these notebooks, individual notes can be created and organized.

Tags in Evernote work like labels that can be attached to notes. They can be used to categorize notes based on different criteria, such as topics, projects, or any other categories that make sense for your workflow. This feature enhances the searchability of notes, making it easier to find the information you need. By creating a new notebook, moving the note to the notebook, then adding a tag to the note, users can achieve a structured approach to organization.

Roam Research

Roam Research uses links and nested bullets for organization. Links in Roam Research work a bit differently from traditional hyperlinks. Instead of just linking to another page, links in Roam create bi-directional connections between notes. This means that when you link to another note, a reference to your note is also created in the linked note. This feature forms a network of interconnected notes, enhancing the visibility of related information.

Nested bullets, on the other hand, allow users to create a hierarchy of information within a note. They can be used to break down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable parts, making it easier to understand and navigate the information. By creating a link to another page and a list with nested bullets, Roam Research allows for a more networked organization structure.

Using Notes:, Evernote, and Roam Research

Roam Research

Roam Research is designed to help users create a new page for a blog post and pull in relevant notes using the [[]] feature. This feature allows users to create a bi-directional link between notes, enabling them to connect related ideas and resources. As a result, users can easily navigate between interconnected notes, providing a comprehensive view of the information related to the blog post.

Furthermore, users can organize these notes into a coherent structure using nested bullets. This feature allows users to break down complex ideas into smaller, manageable parts, providing a clear and concise layout for the information. This hierarchical structure of notes enhances the readability and understanding of the information.

Additionally, Roam's graph overview feature allows users to visualize and navigate the network of notes related to the blog post. This visualization showcases the relationships between notes, making it easier to see the bigger picture and understand the context of the information. Overall, Roam Research provides a powerful tool for comprehensive project management.


Evernote allows users to create a new note for a blog post and use the search function to find relevant notes. The search function in Evernote is quite powerful, offering users the ability to search through text, tags, and even handwritten notes. This feature helps users to quickly find the necessary information, saving them time and effort.

Once the relevant notes are found, they can be copied and pasted into the blog post note. This feature streamlines the process of content creation, enabling users to easily collate information from various notes into a single document. This can be particularly helpful when compiling research or references for the blog post.

Evernote also supports the use of tags to categorize the blog post note. Tags can be used to label notes based on various criteria, making it easier to find and organize related notes. Users can also create custom tags based on their needs, providing a flexible system for note organization. This system of organization, combined with its robust search function, makes Evernote a reliable tool for managing and retrieving notes. offers a unique approach by enabling users to create a new mem for a blog post and use the @mention feature to pull in relevant notes. The @mention feature allows users to link to other notes within a mem, creating a network of related information. This can be particularly useful when writing a blog post, as it allows users to easily reference and incorporate related notes.

These notes can be organized into a coherent structure using #tags. Tags in are used to categorize and filter notes, enabling users to group related notes together. This provides a quick and efficient way to categorize information, making it easier to navigate and manage notes.

The choice between, Evernote, and Roam Research ultimately hinges on personal preference and specific needs. Each app brings its unique strengths to the table, providing a range of options for capturing, organizing, and utilizing notes. Evernote stands out with its traditional, hierarchical organization structure and powerful search function. Roam Research shines with its networked structure, facilitating connections between ideas. offers quick note capturing and a clean, user-friendly interface.

Whether you're a student looking for a tool to organize your study notes, a professional seeking an efficient way to manage projects, or a writer aiming to streamline your writing process, these apps are equipped to handle a variety of use cases. It's crucial to understand these different features and capabilities to make an informed decision that will best serve your needs. Always remember, the best tool is the one that fits seamlessly into your workflow and enhances your productivity.