Are you struggling to keep up with the constant flow of ideas in your head? Do you find yourself getting distracted by new thoughts before you can fully develop the ones you're working on? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with managing their ideas and turning them into actionable insights. But fear not, there is a solution: empty mems

What are Empty Mems?

Empty mems are notes that have no content in them yet. They are simply placeholders for future ideas. You might be thinking, "Why would I want to create a note with nothing in it?" The answer is simple: empty mems allow you to capture ideas as they occur without interrupting your workflow.

As crazy as it might sound, I have 100’s of notes with nothing in them, but they are linked to other notes. 

One of the biggest benefits of bi-directional links is that they allow you to capture ideas without disrupting your workflow. Ideas don't come to us linearly, so it's important to have a system in place that allows us to capture them as they occur. Bi-directional links also help us make connections between our ideas and consolidate information.

The second benefit of bi-directional links is that they help us retrace the line of thought that sparked an idea. Have you ever written something down and then forgotten what it was about later on? Bi-directional links can help you avoid this problem by allowing you to easily revisit the thought process that led to the idea.

Finally, bi-directional links help us build a knowledge network. The more notes we have (even if they're empty), the more opportunities we have to make connections between our ideas.

Capturing Ideas with Mem Spotlight

Another way to capture ideas as they occur is by using mem spotlight. This feature allows you to jot down random thoughts and ideas throughout the day without interrupting your workflow.

For example, let's say you have an idea for a blog post while you're in the middle of working on something else. Instead of stopping what you're doing to write the entire post, you can simply jot down the idea using mem spotlight and come back to it later.

The Importance of Titles

Titles are vitally important when it comes to organizing your ideas. They make it easier to find and connect different pieces of information. When creating a new note, be sure to give it a descriptive title even whenit has nothing in it. 

Ideally, you want it be a title that you can embed in sentence when you connect it to another note. This will make it easier for you to find and connect this note with other relevant notes in the future.

How Empty Mems Can Help You Stay Productive

Empty mems might seem counterintuitive at first, but they can actually help you stay productive by allowing you to capture ideas as they occur without interrupting your workflow. By using bi-directional links and mem spotlight, you can easily capture ideas and revisit them later when you're ready to develop them further.

In addition, empty mems help us build a knowledge network by providing more opportunities to make connections between our ideas. And by giving each note a descriptive title, we can easily find and connect different pieces of information.


Empty mems might seem like a strange concept at first, but they can be incredibly beneficial for managing your ideas and staying productive. By using bi-directional links, mem spotlight, and descriptive titles, you can capture ideas as they occur without disrupting your workflow. So next time an idea pops into your head, don't let it distract you from what you're working on – just create an empty mem and come back to it later when you're ready